Monday 17 June 2013

The 8 Best Birthday Gifts For Your Boyfriend

 If you want to make your boyfriend feel special, his birthday is the day to do it. Sure, a gifts are nice, but a gesture is something he won’t forget.We’ve come up with some fun ideas to make your boyfriend’s birthday something special.

1. Treat him  
Why not cook your fella his favourite meal? Or if you have an irrational fear of pots and pans, take him out to dinner and pick up the tab. There’s a reason they say the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

2. Get crafty
Remember when a sign of true love was the gift of a mixed tape? Get with the times – make your boyfriend the 2013 equivalent with a personalized iTunes playlist, or design a customized photo album or calendar and order it online. Gifts like these show you’ve put in time and effort, which he’s bound to appreciate. For more creative birthday gift ideas,

3. Plan a surprise
An oldie but a goodie, a surprise party is the perfect way to celebrate his big day. Even if it’s not a milestone birthday, treat it like one by choosing a fun theme.

4. Try something new
If he’s always talked about wanting to go white-water rafting or going to the symphony, organize it. Trying something new together is a great way to bond, and it shows that you not only listen to him, but that you show initiative and make things happen.

5. Give him a year
It’s the gift that keeps on giving: sign him up for a monthly subscription of his favourite magazine, or enrol him in a wine club that sends bottles and information throughout the year. gift ideas for boyfriend  In addition to honing his hobby, it’ll be a monthly reminder of his lovely and thoughtful girlfriend.

6. Have a lazy day
Going all-out for a birthday can be fun, but sometimes a low-key affair is more in order. Grab a few DVD sets of the show he’s been wanting to catch up on, his favourite foods, and spend your day lounging and bonding in bed together. For more unique ideas for his birthday,

7. Be sexy
Turn up the heat in the bedroom and put him in charge on his birthday night. Whether it’s new lingerie or indulging his every fantasy,trying something new and exciting will end his birthday in a way he won’t forget!

8. Get away
What better way to celebrate his big day than with a mini-break? Organize a romantic getaway for the two of you, or invite his friends and/or family to rendezvous somewhere special. You'll make incredible memories, and he'll appreciate the effort you took to plan it.

What's the best gift you've ever given your boyfriend? Or what's the most unusual thing your beau has done for you on your birthday? Leave us a comment and let us know!

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